
For over 10 years I have been working on the in house design, build and maintenance of marketing websites. These have been mostly built using WordPress.

I am also passionate about streamlining workflows and implementing automation to avoid repetitive tasks. Therefore, I created several applications to make business processes faster and reduce repetition. I used this to further my knowledge of many technologies.

Whilst in the past I have used cakePHP for a basic web application, python for data processing and JQuery for user interface applications. I am now using Symfony for creating RESTful api back ends, React JS for creating progressive web apps. I use Gatsby for creating fast and simple static websites and WordPress for creating full featured blog, marketing and ecommerce websites.

As with many other developers, I am always on the lookout for the latest shiny technology stack.

On this blog I intend to write posts about the technologies I am using and learning, primarily for self documentation. I will also use it as a place to try out fresh ideas and to work on some best practices.

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